Chemical analysis of glycerol monooleate, glycerol dioleate and glycerol trioleate

Chemical analysis of glycerol monooleate, glycerol dioleate and glycerol trioleate

Problem description:
As glycerol monooleate, glycerol dioleate and glycerol trioleate are of interest, physical properties necessary for simulations are reported.

- The chemicals have been verified to be of low concern of hazards, no indicated hazard is found.
- Glycerol monooleate is used in foods, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, rust-preventive oils, vinyl light stabilizers, odorless base paints, textile finishing, and flavoring; used as emulsifier for liquid and paste waxes, polishes, and cleaners.
- Glycerol dioleate is used as emollients in cosmetics industry and also used as lubricants and lubricant additives.
- Glycerol trioleate is used as lubricant (e.g. for cosmetics, drugs, and textiles), emulsifier (e.g. for water/oil mixtures), intermediate for radioactive iodine derivatives, and plasticizer; and used in sweet almond oil for medicines and cosmetics.

Important notice:
This report is only for private use and must not be shared with any third-party without prior permission from PSE for SPEED Company.